The Guardian: "Theresa May’s essential argument for Syria strikes is nonsensical"
I've written for the Guardian on Theresa May's handling of the Syria crisis. Read the piece on the Guardian website here:...
#BrexitBroadcastingCorporation – central not sideshow to Brexit
“Be careful what you wish for” concludes Today presenter Nick Robinson in a New Statesman piece defending his employer, the BBC. It comes...
Brexit has no answers to the Irish Question
This article first appeared as part of my weekly column for the New European. I recommend you read it on their website, but the full text...
Huffington Post: Brexit Can and Must be Stopped
I wrote for the Huffington Post this week to argue that Brexit can be stopped. Clement Attlee, the man who led us out of the rubble of...
My Guardian Piece: Don't let the Brexiters turn Ireland into a new Cyprus
I wrote for the Guardian this week, arguing that it would be criminally irresponsible if this government discarded the Good Friday...